In the Dark Woods is an educational theatre programme, consisting of a play, workshops, and Teaching support materials and is available for Years 3 and upwards. It is the story of 2 sisters. Ella, who’s 6, and Izzy who’s 13.
The story begins one day after school when Ella is alone in her bedroom…
“Do you want to play? … I’ll be Rapunzel, and she’s really small, and she’s lost her Mammy in the dark woods’’.
“Will you come with me into the dark woods and help me find my Mammy?”
The programme is designed to:
- enable classes to talk safely about sensitive issues, increasing empathy and understanding of their own and others’ experiences.
- support work and discussion around bereavement and loss, Adverse Childhood Experiences, mental health, dementia, healthy relationships, domestic violence, and divided families.
To book the In the Dark Woods Educational Theatre Programme, please contact